Went to Cottesloe beach around lunchtime was a lovely morning but once I got to the beach it cooled down and started clouding over so what do people do in Australia when the beach weather turns not so ideal? Head to the pub of course! Went to a pub that was celebrating Octoberfest with some great German beer and a Bratwurst BBQ, my Flatmate joined me and we had a decent night out until Liverpool played football against Chelsea and a bouncer nearly chucked me out of the pub because he mistook my shirt for a Rangers one who’s fans were apparently banned from the pub, I think he was getting his beers mixed up as Carling sponsor Rangers while Carlsberg sponsor Liverpool, thankfully the boss realized his bouncers mix up and come rushing over to sort the situation out telling the bouncer he’s got his beers, sorry football teams mixed up and apologized to me, He could of have given me a free beer as an apology though!
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