Took the train to Freemantle (Freo) managed to squeeze myself and my bike onto a train crowded with Fans going to watch the Freemantle Dockers “Foot?ball” game but played more with the hands than a foot! The Freo Dockers are competing for the wooden spoon in the AFL but the fans obviously felt that they had a much better chance of victory than their national cricket team did!
30mins later arrived at Freo, which is located right on the Indian Ocean and is port town that serves almost the entire of Western Australia. At weekends they have huge fantastic markets selling cheap goods from China and plenty of local fresh fruit and veg along with several Buskers who are allowed a 45 min slot. This photo captures a busker playing the didgeridoo with the fruit and veg stalls in the background, He appreciated his dollar fee for the pic!
I cycled back on the fantastic networks of cycle paths that follow
South of the Swan river all the way back into the city centre of Perth a total of 30km (about 18 miles) was a nice ride except for a couple of downpours of rain!
Meanwhile the Aussies were still praying for rain back home in England as we took 2 quick wickets in the Ashes cricket decider.
The convicts then started batting very well and started baiting us poms that they were going to win after all but after a brilliant bit of fielding by Freddie Flintoff the wickets started to fall and aussies stated to get bloody pissed off and one by one began to leave, I could not believe it as the pubs shut at 10pm so went back to where I was staying to watch the rest and finally around 1am we took the final wicket to win back the ashes, although it was rather an anticlimax as all the convicts had gone to bed.
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