Went to the cinema and watched Coupes Retreat, decided to see it as it was a rainy day and it was Filmed in Thaiti and Bora Bora where I’m thinking of stopping during my travels heading home, the movie itself was awful but there was some stunning scenery which was a good selling point for the Island.
Met up with a friend for Barramondays a pub fish (Barramundi) , chip and beer deal for $15 (About £8) I really miss the deals from back home where you can often get a decent meal and a pint for £5 or £6 but with eating and drinking out in Perth being expensive this sounded like a pretty good deal...
It wasn’t really as the beer included was only half a pint of some awful Aussie beer that was like having sex on a canoe (Too close to water) The fish and chips wasn’t even served on a plate and then they demanded an extra dollar for ketchup and tartar source, ok you would expect this at a takeaway fish shop, but for a pub meal no and it has put me off going back to that pub even for a drink.
No photos taken today so here is a pic of the unusual Mammal that lives on Rottnest Island, “The Quakka” along with a Joey in her pouch!